Sunday, December 9, 2012

Homemade Ghee!!! (aka Clarified Butter)

This is awesome. I am never buying ghee again. I followed this recipe (link) step-by-step. It was super easy. I used a metal strainer to skim the milk solids, which worked well but I had to pour it through many times to get the ghee free of the solids. So I had ~4 different bowls. I poured it through the strainer into the first, then cleaned the strainer and poured it into the second, and so on four times until it appeared there were no milk solids left on the bottom of the bowl from which it was poured.

Here's how the whole process went down:

Add 1 lb. butter to pan.

Bring butter to boil. Cook on med. for 7-8 more min.

Strain it.

See the ghee is clear and golden, the milk solids are left in the pan.

Pour into an air-tight container. And enjoy!

Homemade Ghee (Clarified Butter)

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